Punjana Tea | Victorian Era Irish Tea

$ 9.95$ 16.50

Punjana Tea (Belfast, Ireland) – UK Guild of Fine Foods Award 12 consecutive years.

Punjana Tea has been recognized and been awarded by the prestigious Guild of Fine Foods for a record 12 consecutive years, also receiving their highest accolade of 3 Gold Stars in the Great Taste Awards.  Punjana uses only the finest leaves from Assam and Kenya are selected for the Thompson’s most popular blend, Punjana.

Punjana is blended in Belfast in the North of Ireland.  It has a real depth of flavor which stems from the beautifully rounded, malty character of the leaves grown on Assam’s finest gardens and the light, bright flavor from leaves grown on the foothills of Mount Kenya.  The leaves are picked when the tea bushes are producing their best growth, when sunshine and rainfall are in perfect harmony. Perfect for those who yearn for tea with more taste and flavor.

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